Merit Board

Indiana State Statue requires that each county by ordinance establish a Sheriff's merit board. Find out more about our board and the current membership along with their meeting schedule and duties below.

Duties & Responsibilities:

The Floyd County Merit Board is comprised of 5 members. 3 of these members are appointed by the elected Sheriff and 2 are elected by majority vote of the merited officers. All board members serve a term of four years. The merit board along with the Sheriff set classifications and ranks for the members of the office. They also advise and administer examinations to test new applicants for the position of Merit Police Officers, as well as promotions for existing officers. The board is also charged with handling disciplinary cases against merit officers who are suspended and is the hearing panel for demotion in rank or terminations.

Current Board Members

Lee Cotner

Jessica Bansbach

Tom Jones

Jennifer Thompson

Kevin Boehnlein

2025 Meeting Schedule

The following is the schedule for the Police Merit Board for 2024.

Meetings are held at 5:00pm at the Floyd County Police Substation on Highlander Drive